The Sweet Potato Dictionary [2023]

Potato, Potahto
Sweet Potatoes has had quite the come-up in the last decade. What was once a specialty item found only in niche health bars and your local Erehwon is now a staple in American cuisine.
This nutritious root vegetable comes in many different shapes, sizes, and colors. From orange to purple, sweet potatoes are a great source of fiber, vitamins, and minerals. However, not all sweet potatoes are created equal, as each comes with its unique characteristics and distinct flavor profiles.
With restaurant goers seeking out diversity and global flavors in their meals, it is important for foodservice professionals to be aware of the options available to them. In this blog, we will explore some of the common types of sweet potatoes, their unique characteristics, and how they can be used in a variety of recipes. Read on to discover the many wonders of this versatile root vegetable!
1. Beauregard Sweet Potato
When most people think of a sweet potato, the Beauregard Sweet Potato is what comes to mind. Known for its bright orange flesh and sweet flavor, this is the most popular type of sweet potato in the United States. It is typically medium-sized and has a slightly moist texture.
2. Jewel Sweet Potato
Similar in skin and flesh color to the Beauregard Sweet Potato but slightly more round, the Jewel variety is particularly known for its sweetness and along with Beauregard sweet potatoes are among the most common sweet potatoes found in American grocery stores.
3. Golden Sweet Potato
Also known as Boniato, Cuban Sweet Potato or Batata, this variety of potato is purple with white flesh. Its slightly more subtle sweetness than the Orange variety makes it a cross between an Orange Sweet Potato and a Russet Sweet Potato. It’s milder sweetness makes it a great choice for fries.
4. Hannah Sweet Potato
The Hannah sweet potato has a light yellow flesh and a dryer texture. It has a slightly nutty flavor and is often used in dishes that call for a less sweet potato
5. Garnet Sweet Potato
The Garnet sweet potato has a deep red skin and orange flesh, is sweeter than the Beauregard and has a moist texture, making it great for baking and roasting.
You might like: Golden Sweet Potato vs Sweet Potato
6. Japanese Sweet Potato
This type of sweet potato has a purplish-brown skin and a white or cream-colored flesh. It has a slightly sweet flavor and a moist texture.
7. Purple Sweet Potato
This sweet potato has a vibrant purple skin and flesh, and is packed with antioxidants. It has a slightly sweet, nutty flavor and can be used in both sweet and savory dishes. Its striking color decorates a plate beautifully, whether as part of a main dish or as savory fries on the side.
A Root Vegetable Full of Color
Each type of sweet potato can be used in a variety of dishes, from soups and stews
to sweet pies and savory casseroles, and they all have their unique flavor profiles and
nutritional benefits. With global flavors and eye-catching menu items being top of mind, restaurant goers may be more likely to return to a restaurant that offers a diverse menu.
Frozen Food Month
Preparation in a restaurant kitchen can contribute to loss of time and resources. Frozen food plays a large part in saving these when they matter most. Precooked and precut, frozen fries from United Flavors® and Tio Jorge® provide a solution to time and resources lost from peeling and cutting. What’s more, it minimizes food waste which in turn cuts costs (In a study conducted by the American Frozen Food Institue, 59% of foodservice operators said that frozen food helped them manage food waste, and 55% responded that it helped them tighten costs). During Frozen Food Month, we recognize and celebrate the benefits that frozen food provides.