Mother’s Day Traditions in Latin America

Growing up Latin American in the United States can be a challenge when it comes to saving the traditions born in countries around the Caribbean, Central and South America. Many families, though, manage to keep these rituals alive all across the land especially on Mother’s Day, or as it is called in Spanish, Día de la Madre.

From the moment they wake up on their special day, Latina moms are the center of attention in the Latino home. The celebration begins early, as the idea is to bestow upon her all the attention, love and care she gives her family all year.

In many Central American homes, for instance, the children will tiptoe into her bedroom while she is still asleep, surrounding the bed while carrying flowers, balloons and nicely wrapped presents. Then, they will wake her up lovingly while singing “El Himno a la Madre,” a traditional song honoring mothers whose chorus says:

“En el nombre de madre se encierra
la más alta expresión del amor,
porque no puede haber en la tierra
una imagen más clara de Dios.”

“The word ‘mother’ encompasses
the highest expression of love,
because there can’t be on Earth
a clearer image of God.”

After hugging and kissing them all, mom will sit on the bed and open her presents (perfume, body lotions and jewelry are the usual, maybe nice clothes or fancy shoes), while making plans for the day.

pancakes with big banana plantain slices
Pancakes with Big Banana® Plantain Slices


The children and dad will then fix a light breakfast, while “mami” answers congratulatory phone calls or makes calls to greet her sisters and mother. Later, they may go to church, and celebrate with a nice lunch or a cookout in the family patio. Many other families, though, like to visit a fancy restaurant, if possible, with members of the extended family. You may recognize them because they tend to all speak at once, take loads of pictures and make Mom feel like the most important woman in the entire universe.

Regardless of where you live, or where you’re from, Mother’s Day is always a special day filled with food, family, and love. For some ideas on delicious, easy to make breakfast dishes to create for mom this Mother’s Day, click here.

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